Our Story

From the moment I could remember, I knew my life’s passion was to help and serve others.

I grew up loving food and meal preparation. Whether it was watching my Grandmother, Mom, and Aunties prepare meals on Thanksgiving, celebrating our family in a big way, or something small like Sunday dinners, there was something there that brought me in from outside playing and being in awe in of what was happening in the kitchen. It may have been the multiple conversations, and that super loud Uncle who was always the life of the party. It may have been the way my Grandmother gathered her own vegetables from her garden and washed and bathed them like they were her own children. Nonetheless, I was simply amazed with the process and in love with the meals that graced the table. I waited for the day I could repeat those cherished traditions with my own family.

I took the traditional approach of college and odd jobs and through bumps and bruises, I now sit in a cubicle. Boring I know, but it gets better. Nothing helped me satisfy that ultimate need of serving and helping until A Perfect Plate was born.

With A Perfect Plate, I was able to utilize my love for my family and food, my passion for cooking, and the ability to meet exciting people who shared the same purpose - to SERVE!  And what better way to serve than to allow them the opportunity to create their own traditions. 

What I would have given to have A Perfect Plate in my life through various transitions (raising children, taking care of parents, and my constant health journey to name a few☺). But there are many “ME’s” out there now that A Perfect Plate was born to help.

Niki Finch, Founder

“With A Perfect Plate, I was able to utilize my love for food, my passion for cooking, and the ability to meet exciting people who shared the same passions as I do which was to serve!”


Our Story

From the moment I could remember, I knew my life’s passion was to help and serve others.

I grew up loving food and meal preparation. Whether it was watching my Grandmother, Mom, and Aunties prepare meals on Thanksgiving, celebrating our family in a big way, or something small like Sunday dinners, there was something there that brought me in from outside playing and being in awe in of what was happening in the kitchen. It may have been the multiple conversations, and that super loud Uncle who was always the life of the party. It may have been the way my Grandmother gathered her own vegetables from her garden and washed and bathed them like they were her own children. Nonetheless, I was simply amazed with the process and in love with the meals that graced the table. I waited for the day I could repeat those cherished traditions with my own family.

I took the traditional approach of college and odd jobs and through bumps and bruises, I now sit in a cubicle. Boring I know, but it gets better. Nothing helped me satisfy that ultimate need of serving and helping until A Perfect Plate was born.

With A Perfect Plate, I was able to utilize my love for my family and food, my passion for cooking, and the ability to meet exciting people who shared the same purpose - to SERVE!  And what better way to serve than to allow them the opportunity to create their own traditions. 

What I would have given to have A Perfect Plate in my life through various transitions (raising children, taking care of parents, and my constant health journey to name a few☺). But there are many “ME’s” out there now that A Perfect Plate was born to help.

Niki Finch, Founder

“With A Perfect Plate, I was able to utilize my love for food, my passion for cooking, and the ability to meet exciting people who shared the same passions as I do which was to serve!”